Game Review: Soul Master

Review Score
Combination of action-RPG with RTS elements makes for a unique gaming experience.
Unless you enjoy fast-paced action-RPG style gameplay, this game can get somewhat repetitive with all the grinding.
The graphics have a nice level of cartoony detail that gives some decent atmosphere. Flashy special effects are also decent.
Passable music with some solid sound effects to accompany the graphical effects makes for pleasant action.
Unique blend of RPG with RTS makes this a must-try.

Soul Master Official North/South America Website


NOTE:  I am conducting this review from playing the North and South American version available at Games Campus.

Soul Master is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game, or MMORTS for short.  It blends RPG elements with real-time strategy.  You have a persistent hero character that levels up and can equip items you earn from completing missions, buy from a merchant or other player, or crafted yourself.  The heart of the gameplay is in the PVE missions and PVP matches.  Missions and matches play similar to DoTA, which has you controlling a single hero character while your armies fight by themselves without any interaction from you.  The difference in Soul Master is that it has an RTS component, albeit a light one.  You can gather resources and construct buildings in order to summon creatures called Souls to help you fight.  You can also give your Souls simple commands like staying at a particular spot or to attack a particular enemy.  Thus, Soul Master blends RPG and RTS elements together for a unique gameplay experience. Continue reading

Browser Games are the Future

Playing games online inside your browser has become one of the most popular forms of entertainment today.  Some may consider browser games to be “casual” games.  But today’s browser games are exceptionally more advanced than the simple flash games of yesteryear.  Today, stunning 3D graphics in browser games is becoming commonplace.  Powerful middleware like Unity are making it even easier to make advanced games with appealing graphics playable inside your browser and also raising the quality bar for online games.  Here is a video of a demo made with Unity:

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